Should you have three kids?

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Should you have three kids?

Some of my friends are debating on whether to have three children or stick to two. As a mom of three, I have a lot of good stories to share and some pros and cons to having more than one or two. I’m a big advocate on more than one but if “one and done” is your cup of tea, that’s awesome.

While three kids may seem a lot for some, it’s the perfect family size for us. We’ve had a lot of fun over the years and we stay busy.  Now that the kids are ten, eleven, and fifteen, we’re kind of cruising along. I find myself waking them up on the weekends rather than the other way around. I have help with the dishes, laundry, the dog. They keep each other busy and they are friends. I really couldn’t ask for more.

But when they were little, however, it was a lot of work. Some nights were just exhausting. The routine with three kids can and will drag you down if you let it. It worked for us because we worked hard to stay positive and encouraged that this season would soon pass. Knowing that in just a few short years, your children will soon be driving you around town or that you’ll one day be standing in the doorway a sop of tears when they are packing up to go to college is enough to want to keep them young and the house full.

So what’s life like with three kids? Let me share a snapshot from a story below, shared back in 2011 on my old blog.

have three kids justice jonesieHubby and I were doing the bedtime rounds one school night. This meant giving everyone a bath and then putting the two little ones to sleep first. We normally put all three in the bathtub together and went down the assembly line with scrubbing down, cleaning ears, etc. and then taking them out one-by-one.

On one night, our five year-old asked if he could stay in a little longer and play in the tub. No problem, so long as he was okay with putting on his own PJs left right next to his towel.  He was old enough to sits in the tub for a little while, while we got the others dressed and off to bed.
So I took the baby  out, dressed him and then nursed him to sleep since he was too exhausted to rejoin the group for  story time.  Meanwhile, Hubby took daughter out, dressed her and got her to bed.  We both met downstairs around 8:00 pm and were looking forward to enjoying the peace and quite and satisfaction of being able to enjoy the rest of the night to ourselves with all the kids asleep.
So we thought.
At 9:45 p.m., almost two hours past his bedtime, Oldest came walking down the stairs asking, “is someone going to get me dessert?” I look at Hubby and he looks at me and we both say, “I thought you put him to sleep?!” Apparently, after he finished his bath and he put on his jammies, we both assumed that the other parent had tucked him in, read him his story, and then put him to bed at his usual time.
Not this time! We had a little friendly reminder of just how busy our household gets with three little ones running around.  I guess forgetting about one of your kids happens even to the best of us! Right?

Have you ever forgotten about one of your kiddos? Or are we alone on this one?

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