Adios, Amigos!

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Adios, Amigos!

The books are read, the bags packed, and the list of all the restuarants museums we plan to visit has been printed.  As I write this post we are sitting at the gate waiting to board our flight.  Let the adventures in Mexico begin! I’m beyond excited about this experience.  It’s been weeks and weeks of planning, reading, packing, and preparing. Seemed the more we read the more excited we all became.   I think we checked out every book in the library dealing with Mexico.  We all learned so much about the history and culture of the country.  We practiced our spanish, we even cooked Mexican inspired meals. It’s been a lot of fun and we are ready to go.

I didn’t think I could get any more excited until Spangish Baby’s, Ana Flores, sent me a message on Twitter about Amy Conroy’s total cultural immersion in San Miguel de Allende.  Amy, a native of Los Angelos, purchased one way tickets for herself and her three kids and has been there almost three months already.  Her story is amazing.  Amy was so nice to send me alot of information and I cannot wait to meet up with her while we are there.   Check out her entire story as she is an amazing writer.


Adios & Stay tuned!


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