My LBL Secret (and Help For It) …

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Solutions for a little secret many women carry. LBL

Have Light Bladder Leakage? I'm sharing my little secret and help.

So I have a little secret.* Something I have shared with only a few people because frankly, I was kind of embarrassed about it. But not anymore. Many women deal with it,  but don’t always talk about. In fact, one in three women have this very same thing.

Okay, here goes. So you know when you’re standing in line at the grocery store after a busy day, surrounded by your hungry kids and a cart full of food everyone wants to eat right then and there? Then suddenly you get the urge to sneeze and you instantly cross your legs so that “it” doesn’t happen? Suddenly you have no choice but to sneeze.  Then it happens anyway.

Yeah, it. That little leak that may happen after you’ve run around all day and didn’t have a chance to use the bathroom because there’s But anything can trigger it. A sneeze, cough, laughing at your kids, running around, one false move in Zumba class.

It happens to the best of us, especially new moms right after pregnancy. After three pregnancies and over 50 pounds with each one, what could I expect? For some women, it gets worse with each pregnancy. You hope it will go away but then it doesn’t.

What is it? It is the involuntary leaking of urine called Light Bladder Leakage (LBL).

What is Light Bladder Leakage? 

Light Bladder Leakage or (LBL) is caused by a weak bladder. Light bladder leakage is normal and affects approximately 33% of all women. Some women rely on feminine care products or nothing at all to manage their little leaks. Other women may not realize there’s help out there for LBL  or that they are too young (and fabulous) for incontinence products.

Not to worry. I’d like to share a solution for light bladder leakage and introduce you to my new friend, SAM.  SAM helps you exercise with confidence, and protects you when that urge to cough or sneeze happens.   SAM is the new Poise® Microliner featuring SAM (Super Absorbent Material) and my solution for LBL to keep every woman confident. Poise offers a variety of pads and liners to make it easy to find protection for everywoman’s needs. Poise Microliners are shockingly thin and surprisingly absorbent liners feature SAM (Super Absorbent Material) to provide discreet Light Bladder Leakage (LBL) protection that helps keep you dry and comfortable all day long so you can manage life’s little leaks with confidence. They are designed to absorb wetness, neutralize odor and stay three times drier than other liners.

Come on, meet SAM by visiting the Poise® website then access your free sample of Poise® Microliner and get  expert tips for light bladder leakage by Poise® .


*Many thanks to Poise for sponsoring today’s story, and keeping me confident! Although this post is sponsored, I only support brands/organizations that I believe in and love in hope that you’ll love them too! 🙂


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