18 Fun Activities for Bored Kids this Summer

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Fun Ideas for Bored Kids

As a child I looked forward to summers. They were full of adventure day and night. No electronic devices or TV streaming apps. We had our bikes, board games, and each other to keep us entertained. Summer vacation today is not the same. Children today find themselves bored way too often, especially if there is no WI-FI or data service available. It seems they want to be entertained all day rather than find ways to entertain themselves.

Don’t get me wrong. Some summer weeks can be very busy. Between family trips, play-dates, activities and the list goes on there is very little down time. But what about the down weeks? How do you keep the kids busy during the down time so that they don’t complain about being bored? Have a list of fun ideas ready to go.

Here are 18 fun activities and ideas for turning summer boredom into fun. Keep the list handy and share with the kids as soon as you hear the words, ‘I’m boreeeedddd.” Be sure to share your ideas in the comments below.

18 Fun Activities for Bored Kids this Summer

The Name Game – Getting this list ready is an activity in itself and a chance for the kids to self-reflect on what activities they like to do. Have them select “enjoying myself” activities according to their name. Select an activity for each letter of their name. Ex: Cameron

1. C – Card games with someone in the family or a friend.

2. A – Animal time- spend quality time with a family pet one-on-one.

3. M –Memory game challenge with a family member or friend.

4. E – Exercise activity such as kids yoga, an On-Demand exercise video, or dancing videos on YouTube.

5. R – Running or jogging challenge, track progress each week and see how they can improve their pace for a specific distance. Or have kids log miles for the summer where they can earn certain treats like small toys or ice cream.

6. O – Outside picnic and lunch at the park or beach.

7. N – Note writing. Have your child send a letter or personal note to a friend, cousin, past teach or other family member then drop it in the mail. You can teach your child letter writing skills and they can practice their writing. Most likely the person receiving the note will write back, something your child will greatly enjoy.

Challenge of The Day –  Have your child create a personal challenge to something fun.

8. Bug collecting – how many bugs can you find in 15 minutes. Longer if your children are older.
9.  Crafting for 30 minutes.
10. Gardening – plant some summer vegetables in a veggie garden and care from the all summer.
11.  Reading for 30 minutes.

Being Me – Have a FUN hour exploring who you are.
12. Have your child explore their baby pictures, baby books, videos and learn more about their early life.
13. Have your child write a letter to their future self and seal it for safe keeping in the future.
14. Have your child journal about summer and their hopes or plans.
15. Encourage your child to do some positive affirmation exercises like a list of their strengths, talents, etc.
16. Explore their culture or history by reading books, watching a documentary on their cultural history, etc.

Explore new countries and cultures. 

17. Have your child pick a country and do a short oral report about it. Suggest topics to explore. What is that country’s flag? What type of food do they eat there? What is the native language?
Group Painting with a theme. 

18. Kids love painting but when you make a painting project a group activity there’s a whole new fun element. Start by giving the kids a theme for the painting. Animals, scene at a park, then let them collaborate together to make a beautiful piece.

Having some fun ideas and activities ready to go will help you turn boredom into creative or active time for your kids. Print out this list and keep it handy. Soon you’ll find your children exploring and learning new things even during summer vacation!

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