Ad-Free Search For Kids Thanks to Bing

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Safe Internet Browsing for Kids in Schools Thanks to BingThe Internet and technology are such a major part of our children’s lives and how they learn. Just the other day in my son’s second grade class, the teacher told the students to “look it up on the Internet.” When we were growing up, we looked things up in encyclopedias.  The research was already outdated by the time those books went to print. Not today. Kids get instant access to research, news, and articles related to their project.

And this is a good thing. But there are risks that we can easily resolve. 

Kids of any age are at risk of being exposed to ads that include adult content and are not child appropriate. Or a flashing box with clowns dancing back an forth and “click here to win” in neon yellow. After getting my PC infected with a nasty virus and spammy search engine, I had to sit all the kids down to explain why we don’t click on anything when browsing. With so many school aged kids using the internet to do their homework and play games, it’s no wonder that parents are eager to ensure on-line safety.

What happens when our children are in school? We can’t expect teachers to monitor 20 computer screens at once.  Thankfully, Bing provides parents with comfort in knowing that their child’s internet searches are school are safe.

How Bing In the Classroom Works:

  • In schools, when students use search engines other than Bing, they are shown ads that can distract from their studies. With Bing in the Classroom, all advertising is removed, there are strict filters for adult content, and enhanced privacy protection.
  • Along with providing educational enhancements, Bing in the Classroom blocks searches from being used for personalized advertising for all Bing searches done through the school’s network.
  • Bing is the only major search engine to provide a search offering tailored specifically for the classroom.
  • Although searches in Bing are ad-free, websites discovered and visited via search may still have ads. Students will not be served ads in the Bing experience.
  • #Adfreesearch searchis available to all schools.




Watch the video above to learn more then visit Bing For Classrooms and support your school in providing safe, ad free search in your child’s classroom. To provide educational enhancements to your child’s classroom, you can also sign up for Bing Rewards to start supporting schools right away. Bing Rewards enables people to earn credits towards Surface tablets for a school of their choice simply by signing up and searching with Bing.

Find out if your  kids are receiving ad-free, safer, more private search in the classroom or eligible to receive rewards by visiting Bing For Classrooms.


Disclosure:  Thank you to Bing for sponsoring today’s discussion! I’m proud to support #adfreesearch in schools. As always, opinions are my own.


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