Author: Nadia Policard (Nadia Policard)

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How to Start Dating After Divorce

How to Start Dating After Divorce

Are you ready to start dating after your divorce? Starting to date after a divorce, especially in your forties, can be a scary thing. Let’s face it, the dating pool can be scarce. Also, so much may have changed since you were dating. There’s online dating and apps now, Facebook and other social media apps...

Best and WORST Natural Deodorant For Women Reviewed

Best and Worst Natural Deodorant For Women

Do natural deodorants really work to cover odor? I made the switch to natural deodorant last year after confirming what I already knew. Deodorants containing talc and aluminum were not safe to use. Talc is a known carcinogen which means it is known to cause cancer. Using it in your deodorant, makeup, and in baby...

Why I waited 15 years to get my wisdom teeth pulled.

I Waited 13 Years To Do This & Adulting is Hard

I’m getting two wisdom teeth pulled soon and it’s the scariest thing I have done in a while. The truth is I was supposed to do this 13 years ago when they first grew in. I was almost 30 and thought for sure I had lucked out in the dental lottery because most of my...


Eight Simple Rules for Dating and Finding Love in Your 40s

If you’re reading this and recently divorced or separated, I want to encourage you to stay hopeful and positive. Yes, you can find love after divorce. It’s been four years since my former husband and I parted ways. I have experienced a little bit of everything during that time. I have not had any really...