Author: Nadia Policard (Nadia Policard)

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10 Things My Students Loans Could Have Bought Me via @JusticeJonesie

10 Things My Student Loans Could Have Bought Me

  Like most college students I borrowed money to pay for undergrad and law school.  The average student loan debt in 2013 was approximately $35,000 for college grads. Mine was slightly double that. I have been out of graduate school now for 12 years and each month I’m sending multiple checks to pay off my...

Recipe Veggie & Sausage Egg Muffins

Sunday Brunch Idea: Veggie & Sausage Egg Muffins

Here’s an easy Sunday Brunch idea for you – sausage and vegetable egg  muffins. This recipe is easy and you can be flexible with the ingredients. I like to load my muffins with veggies since I eat low carbs and always have plenty in my fridge. But you can add or takeaway to please your...

Heart of Haiti is a trade not aid initiative of Macy's.

Heart For Haiti: Finding Positivity in Hardships

February is a month to celebrate love.* You’re given a chance to pause and remember your loved ones new and old. Others may remember places they have visited or non-profits and organizations they may be passionate about supporting.  This February, Macy’s Heart of Haiti wants us to consider the island of Haiti as a place to...

8 Tips for Planning a Vacation When You're Self Employed via @JusticeJonesie

8 Tips For Planning Your Vacation When You’re Self-Employed

So you’ve realized that you’re overworked and need a vacation. As a small business owner and self-employed mom I know how hard it is to schedule time off for vacation. If you’re a sole proprietor without employees, it gets even harder.  You don’t have someone else to answer the calls or delegate your work. So how...

15 Signs You May Be Working Too hard and need a break via @JusticeJonesie

15 Signs You May be Working Too Much

Americans are overworked. We’ve heard the statistics many times. We work too hard, too much, and we don’t unplug from our devices. Every study on mental health will tell you that working too much or non-stop is not good for your health. It causes you to be depressed, overweight, and can lead to heart disease...

One father shares his family's cultural immersion experience in Isla Mujeres, Yucatan in Mexico via @JusticeJonesie

A Family Cultural Immersion Experience: Going to Mexico for More Than Just A Tan

What better way to truly expose your children to another culture and language than to travel abroad? Cultural immersion experiences are priceless and offer families many, lifelong memories. We had our own experience in Mexico a few years ago, however, today I’m sharing the story of a father whose family’s trip to the Yucatan yielded...

Mexican Street Corn Recipe via @JusticeJonesie

Big Game Menu for Your Super Bowl Fiesta!

I always try to incorporate a little Latin flavor into my menus when I’m entertaining for cocktail parties or a dinner. My friends always look forward to it. This Super Bowl Sunday will be no different. Last year I hosted a small party and we had everything from pork sliders to my homemade chicken and beef Empandas.  To help...


Old Spice Smellcome to Manhood Is Totally Funny

I love the latest commercial from Old Spice where  boys suddenly turn to men and their moms are singing a sad tune that they didn’t see manhood coming.  The teenage boys in the ad are seen spraying Old Spice’s Re-Fresh Body Spray then going to hang out with their girlfriends. Meanwhile, mom is seen somewhere in the...