Author: Nadia Policard (Nadia Policard)

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My Life Defined By Shoes

My Life Defined By Shoes

I know the expression is usually, “I wear many different hats.” Since I am more of a shoe girl, I like to think more in terms of the different types of shoes I wear throughout the day- and week by week. Each day I’m defined differently by the type of shoe I put on that...


Not Just Growing Pains: Understanding Juvenile Arthritis

July is Juvenile Arthritis month and as a child of someone that has suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis for over 30 years, I thought I would share some information about juvenile arthritis.  Although my mom was diagnosed with arthritis as an adult, I still worry that maybe the disease will pass on to myself or even worse, one of...

Fourth of July Menu Planning With A Delicious Twist

Fourth of July Menu Planning With A Delicious Twist

Who is ready for a Fourth of July cook-out?  This Fourth promises to be HOT! Southern and central states are blazing hot already, and only the far western states are enjoying cooler temps.  But regardless of where you live, most likely you’ll head to the beach, swimming pool, or the backyard to celebrate Independence Day and you’ll be doing so in the company of...

How To Be Productive: Lessons From This Busy Mama

How To Be Productive: Lessons From This Busy Mama

I admit to juggling a full plate.  In fact, I probably have enough plates for two or three people.  The “how do you do it” question is asked often by even my most accomplished friends, neighbors, and colleagues.  If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that question, well, let’s just say I...

Summer Fashions & Beauty Trends 2020

Summer Fashions & Beauty Trends 2020

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Spring /Summer Trends are out!  Summer officially begins June 20th so it’s time to find out what’s hot and what’s not when it comes to the summer fashion and beauty trends.   The Mary Kay® Spring/Summer Trend Report gives women everything we need in order to make sure our fashion...

The Plastic Surgery Debate: Should women go under the knife?

The Plastic Surgery Debate: Should Women Get It?

The Plastic Surgery debate has been in the blogosphere lately with several of Babble’s contributors weighing in on the issue and sharing their personal stories.  Since then, a few other bloggers have shared their own stories, criticisms, or salutes to the women that have undergone a procedure or two themselves. To say that reactions have varied among...

Practice Safe Sun Tips

Practice Safe Fun in the Sun

Did you know that every hour, one American dies of melanoma?  Despite this alarming statistic,  many men and women still choose to expose their skin to harmful UVA and UVB radiation without putting any sun protection on.  It’s not only the beach goers and pool-side sun bathers that put themselves at risk.  Tanning salons are said to be...