Fun Ideas for Keeping Kids Busy During Christmas Break

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Fun Ideas for Keeping Kids Busy During Christmas Break

Well Moms, Christmas vacation is just around the corner.  Do you have plans for your kids?  As usual, our school begins the holiday vacation with an entire week of half-days the week before school is out for almost three weeks.  Really, that’s annoying.  I have work to do. Doesn’t anyone else? Plus, I haven’t purchased one single Christmas gift yet; Santa’s sleigh is currently empty.

Taking that perfect family Christmas Picture by @JusticeJonesie


I’m not going to complain about the fact that for several weeks, I’ll have three kids looking at me for fun things to do during Christmas break.  Instead, I’m going to focus on all the great quality time I get to spend with my kids until we ring in the New Year. It should be a time to celebrate. Yay – I’m excited. (Ahem.)

Like I was saying, rather than complain about coming up with countless ways to keep the kids entertained during winter break while I try to accomplish grading final exams, holiday shopping, and everything else, I’ve come up with a master plan.  Busy work, crafts, trips to the library, and playing outside.

Here is my master plan for keeping the kids entertained and busy during Winter/Christmas break.

Plan #1  Christmas Crafts

I found this simple idea on Pinterest for an easy Christams Craft for kids of any age.  It will be a fun keepsake to make and the more I think about it, the more I plan to make an extra set for gifts.  I will purchase nice frames and give a copy to both Grandmas.  What grandma doesn’t want a beautiful picture of their grandbaby’s stinky cute feet?  We’ll write the dates and names in gold marker, put it in a gold frame, and voila! A gift they’ll cherish for years. We’ll be making this picture plus some homemade ornaments using some kits I purchased at a craft store today.

For more ideas on Christmas crafts, check out my Pinterest board.

You may also like: Click to read: Keeping Kids Active In Winter- Eight FUN Ideas! 

Plan #2-Baking Christmas Cookies

The kids love baking and help me cook so what better way to spend some QT together than baking Christmas cookies?  Holiday music in the background, flour all over the place, and a few cookie tins from the dollar store and we’ll share some with the neighbors.  The kids will really enjoy this.

Plan #3- The Indoor/Outdoor Parks

When the kids were younger, we use to go to the parks often.  I don’t really know why we don’t go anymore.  I think it’s because my older son probably thinks he is too old for a park so the younger two get the short end of the deal.  As part of my role as a Star Blogger for Rusty & Rosy, we got a new netbook, The PeeWee Pivot Tablet Laptop  with wifi, a camera, and  everything else you can imagine and want in a laptop and tablet.  It’s meant for the kids but perfect for me; so much easier to bring around than my other computer.  I am now totally mobile.  Therefore, we will be on the move and out and about.  Stop number one, the parks. Stop number two, indoor parks  at my closest Chic-fil-a.

The rest of the time, those kids are on their own.  They have enough toys to occupy 15 children and if they don’t start using them to occupy their time, I plan to pack them all up and donating them!   I’ve made this threat a number of times before but this time, I really mean it – humph!

 Plan #4 – Chores

Not exactly fun but the idea is keeping kids busy, right? My kids are old enough to do chores.  They can organize their rooms, unload the dishwasher, give the dog a bath, sweep the kitchen, etc. Therefore, after breakfast we will start the day with our chores. To help with who does what, I’m going to create a chore chart. I say this now but I really mean it. I WILL CREATE A CHORE CHART. And it will be laminated. And it will have everyone’s picture on it, with a task of what they are supposed to do for the day and if you want to do anything fun, you better finish your task.  Simple.

I think I’ll use a little “reverse psychology” on them and call the chore chart our Family Activity Calendar.  (My ten year old will roll his eyes in utter boredom when he reads that but so what, I don’t care. If he plans to play outside, he better get to work.)

What are your plans to keep your children busy during Winter break?   

Image credits:   Christmas Tree/

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