Moms Matter 2012: New Mom Bloggers Join The Stir

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Moms Matter 2012

I was really honored a few weeks ago when I received an email from one of CafeMom’s editors. She wanted to know if I was interested in writing about the upcoming election and issues that affect moms on CafeMom’s blog site, the Stir.  I jumped at the opportunity with excitement. I am a huge fan of CafeMom and the Stir.  Never once had I imagined I would have an opportunity to work on such an important initiative, Moms Matter 2012

Moms Matter 2012 CafeMom

About Moms Matter:

Moms Matter 2012 is a nonpartisan platform organized by CafeMom. [Its] mission is to unite moms, regardless of political affiliation, in order to help shape the focus and outcome of the upcoming elections and ultimately to improve the lives of moms and their families in this country. ~ The Stir

I am one of five mom bloggers that will  be offering the mom point of view on political issues and the next presidential election. Lindsay Ferrier of She’s Still Got, will also be joining us on this initiative.  She will be traveling the country the next 12 months talking to moms about issues important to us; the economy, education, gay marriage, and more.  She will also be talking to the candidates. Each week we’ll be given an issue to write about and respond to.

I hope you’ll join me on this new and exciting journey! Together we can get our voices heard and start discussing the important issues that affect our families.   You can find my posts weekly on the Stir starting this week.  Until then, check out the Stir today for the bios and introductions of the other four bloggers writing for Moms Matter 2012.

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