Tag: Motherhood

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On Raising Privileged Kids That Have it All

Here’s the deal. My kids are what most people would call “privileged kids.” Not going to lie, they have it good. More importantly, they have everything I ever wanted as a child and more. A nice house, a nice car, the dog, and more. Most days I feel blessed that we can give them a good...

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Nanny or Choosing DayCare via @JusticeJonesie

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Nanny or Choosing Day Care

I often get questions from my friends that have recently had babies looking for help on deciding between a nanny or daycare. Or pregnant moms that are preparing for maternity leave and want the best option when it comes to finding the child care for their baby. With three kids of my own, I have had...

Solutions for a little secret many women carry. LBL

My LBL Secret (and Help For It) …

So I have a little secret.* Something I have shared with only a few people because frankly, I was kind of embarrassed about it. But not anymore. Many women deal with it,  but don’t always talk about. In fact, one in three women have this very same thing. Okay, here goes. So you know when...


Old Spice Smellcome to Manhood Is Totally Funny

I love the latest commercial from Old Spice where  boys suddenly turn to men and their moms are singing a sad tune that they didn’t see manhood coming.  The teenage boys in the ad are seen spraying Old Spice’s Re-Fresh Body Spray then going to hang out with their girlfriends. Meanwhile, mom is seen somewhere in the...


Why Can’t We Be That Family That Get’s Along?

You know that family where the siblings get along, help each other, are compassionate, patient, and speak to each other in normal voices? That’s not our family. It seems lately that my kids do not know how to communicate with each other without fighting. When I was thinking about this a few weeks ago I realized...

Perfect mom quote

There is No Way To Be a Perfect Mother

Being a mom can be so hard. And often we’re so hard on ourselves.  We stress, worry, beat ourselves up over what we could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve done differently.  But one of my favorite mom quotes helps me keep this job in perspective when I’m having a bad day. Below is a post I wrote...

Finding the Perfect Nanny for Your Family via @JusticeJonesie

Finding The Right Nanny For Your Family

If you could create the “perfect nanny”, what qualities would she have? And what would you do to keep her? The working mom’s hunt for just the right person to care for her child(ren) sometimes is an exhausting and confusing journey.  Guest contributor, Entrice Rowe, a mom of four under seven (two of them toddler...


Fostering Safe Driving in Teens: An Early Conversation

In just three summers my oldest will be old enough to get behind the wheel and start practicing for his learner’s permit.  I am both excited and anxious about this milestone. I’m excited because this means less driving for me. But I’m nervous because I don’t know if he is responsible or mature enough to...

No Mommy Guilt

Loving My Working Mom Status

For the first time in 11 years I am rid of the mommy guilt associated with being a working mom.  For years I was constantly fighting my inner demons between wanting to advance my career and wanting to be home with the kids. I remember many times rushing home after putting in a long day...